Config Management Camp EU Logo I had the privilege of speaking at Config Management Camp EU 2016 ( in beautiful Ghent, Belgium on 2 February 2016. At the last moment I was asked by Vaclav Pavlin to do the talk for him when he couldn’t attend. I am grateful to him for the opportunity to talk and to the organizers of Config Management Camp EU 2016 for holding such a fantastic conference and letting me speak.

The talk was on Nulecule a sub-project of Project Atomic focused on multi-container application lifecycle management.

Nulecule is just a specification that is tool agnostic. Thankfully there is a great reference implementation, Atomic App, that I used to create a demo of the project.

I started with Vaclav’s slides and made them my own, including adding the demo. The demo shows how to use a Nulecule for multiple orchestrator and includes a demo of launching the entire process via configuration management. Specifically an Ansible playbook is used to deploy a Etherpad Nulecule Application on a Mesos-Marathon orchestrator running in the demo on an Atomic Developer Bundle.

I could not have done this without the great work that has gone into all of these projects. I must give a huge shout-out to Tomas Kral and Michael Scherer for their help in making the demos work. Together we were able to ramp the demo up and get past a few unexpected hurdles faced when working with an evolving spec and implementation.

Slides and Demo Code is available online. I strongly encourage folks to kick the tires and submit PRs and Issues to help me improve the talk.